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The Broxbourne School physical education department offers a broad and balanced curriculum in addition to an extensive range of extra-curricular activities. State of the art sports facilities enable high quality provision, which all pupils benefit from.
Extra-curricular clubs and fixtures
The department use the SOCS platform to manage and communicate their sports calendar. All extra-curricular clubs, training opportunities and fixtures can be accessed by clicking on the link below.
Indoor facilities include a state of the art sportshall, featuring a full sized netball court with 2m run offs, basket ball court and four badminton courts. The activity studio has multi purpose flooring, wall bars and mirrors.
The outdoor facilities include a full sized 3G astroturf pitch, six netball courts and eight tennis courts. In addition the school has extensive playing fields equiped for rugby and football.
All facilities are available for external hire. To submit an enquiry about hiring any sports facilities please e-mail: lettings@broxbourne.herts.sch.uk