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Students enjoy the independent environment of the Sixth Form Centre. However, with the greater independence that comes with membership of the Sixth Form, there also come additional responsibilities and expectations. Life in Years 12 and 13 is not simply about academic study and passing exams. Sixth Form students are expected to be role models for younger students in the school. They take on leadership of House activities and many other aspects of school life.
Many make a major contribution to the day-to-day running of the school as Prefects and Lead Prefects. Prefects are linked to lower school year groups and forms, as well as subject areas. Additionally, students can lead in areas such as Charity, Environment and Teaching and Learning. If you want to be a Prefect, complete the application form and return it to Mrs Reynard.
Senior Prefects are appointed in Year 13 by the Senior Leadership Team based on their contributions to the school and their application.
The Sixth Form Council is another opportunity for students to undertake a position of responsibility. They meet regularly to discuss any issues arising from the student body, and to evaluate practice and how we can improve the Sixth Form. The Sixth Form Council also work closely with the whole School Council to work on areas that affect the larger school community.