
The Sixth Form staff

We have a team of staff dedicated to helping you enjoy and achieve highly in your courses.

Mrs L Reynard
Director of Sixth Form, with overall responsibility for the Sixth Form

Mrs A Martino
Assistant Director of Sixth Form, with responsibility for enrichment and mentoring and Head of Year 13

Mrs N Albone
Head of Year 12 

Sixth Form Tutors

Your tutor plays a vital role in supporting you through the next one or two years. Being in the Sixth Form is much more complex than in Lower School. There are many more decisions to make and most have greater consequences for your future. You will need to be well informed and well advised.

This is where your Sixth Form Tutor comes in. It is their role to support you in adjusting to the extra freedom and responsibility that being a Sixth Former brings. This includes the vital task of helping you to become a more independent learner so that you can rise to the challenge of Sixth Form learning and beyond into university and employment.

You will have the opportunity for one on one or small group tutorials and this is the place to ask us for help with whatever you need support with, whether the issue is about a subject problem, time management, personal difficulties which are impeding your studies, job and university references, exam preparation, or any other topic which is concerning you.

'The school has good pastoral systems in place to support able learners, particularly as they move into the Sixth Form.  There are well developed mentoring programmes aimed at supporting those students aspiring to Oxbridge or those universities with the most demanding entry requirements' (NACE)

Additional Support

In addition to the level of support already described, we have a system of Mentors. Where a student has experienced problems which have led to a rate of progress which is not consistent with their ability, or requires more tailored support, he or she can be attached to a Mentor, a member of staff who will offer additional help and guidance. 

We also have a school counsellor who works with students to support them through what can be a pressured two years.